Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Super hero task

Three weeks ago we did a stop motion task where we had to create our own super hero in partners and I was partners with a girl called Thato. We created a super hero named Rainbow Vortex and she was a unicorn who could shapeshift into a human girl and she could shoot rainbow tornadoes out of her hands which were cat faces.It was a very difficult task making her because we had to make her out of clay and we had to make a unicorn and a human girl. The human's face and her body smushed and she looked really bad. The unicorn's eyes were squinted but her shape was really good. We then had to film it which took really long but we finished in the end. We then inserted it into green screen and we finished it really quickly because it was easy and we had some help too. I liked this task but I also didn't like it but it was a nice and fun experience. I didn't like the planning in the beginning much.


  1. Dear Tamsyn
    I love your character RAINBOW VORTEX. Ypur blog is very nice.
    Kind Regards

  2. Hey Tamsyn,

    I really liked how your unicorn looked.Good job!

    Kind Regards,
